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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Half-Time Rant

Maybe I'm biased, but I thought that The Who rocked the house at the Super Bowl Tonight. Yea, they played their hits, but that's what they are there to do. It pisses me off to see kids my age have no legitimate reason to complain about The Who, except that they are old. I mean honestly? Has my generation lost any respect for music? They have to be young to be any good. Well, half of the music you are spoon fed through the devil that is radio is slowly turning you into another bland individual, scraped of all musical taste buds. Now, I kinda expected to hear this from most of my friends on Facebook, but when I saw this on yahoo, it really pissed me off. That is a professional journalist, who doesn't have the cajones to stand up to media, in order to further his "coolness" with youth. Dudes a joke to music journalism, and a spineless music snob.

So all you "young people", wash your ears out with one of the greatest rock bands of all time. Then and Now. Plus, a fantastic cover.


  1. thank God people like you exist. today kids in my class started to disparage the who and ranted on how old they ...i got fervontly irked quickly. the who have always been my favorite band. my dad has taken me to chicago, il and tampa,fl just so i could experience the amazing power that this band could produce. the who rocked the half time...even better than bruce did. to all the kids who made fun of the who go listen to your top 20 radio station and listen miley
