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Friday, February 25, 2011

Reddit PART 2

So, I've dug a little deeper into reddit this week. I've started to really post things, and upvote when upvoting is due. Moreso, I have been deemed a DJ on pirateradio, a title that is not as much power as pride. If you're ever looking for good underground(ish) music from people you don't know, look no further. There seems to be a real emphasis on the electronic side of the music world, which I've been getting a lot more into. I'll even be doing a review on a fellow redditor's album pretty soon. Keep checking back for more. Please.


- Daft punk keeps going farther towards the commercial lime-light and further from making music. The French dance duo have recently commisioned a set of gold and silver Coke bottles for, well, Coke; the cola, that is. I love these guys, so I can't rip them too hard, but man, I could use a new album right about now.

- Um. Kanye and Rhianna did the All-Star Half Time Show? It's been a reallllyyy slow news week.

Notable Music

This Lykke Li is getting a lot of attention from the hipster underground. I like her voice a lot. And how purty she is.

Lykke Li - Love Out Of Lust by LykkeLi

T.V. on the Radio is working on their fifth studio album, and the first single is striking to me, because it doesn't focus on wishywashy vocals and guitars like almost everything "indie" now. It's refreshing.

I got the chance to catch The Civil Wars down at The Disc Exchange this last Tuesday, and I was floored at how great they could harmonize, especially with their very warbling voices. Alas, I showed up to the show at Pilot Light, and there were a hundred people just waiting to get in. Homework got done that night, instead.

The Civil Wars - "20 Years" by A Mindful Earful

Jamie xx from the aptly named xx, has released a remix of Gil Scot Heron's last album, I'm New Here, also aptly named Were New Here. As I said last week, the duo were streaming the album from specifically designated radio towers across this great nation, but now, it's out, and I found this gem on stereogum.

My dad's got a friend. Not a real friend, a radio friend. I assume they would be good friends if they had physically met, but hey have not. Tom, however, has met lots of famous people. His sidekick on his weekly radio show, The Best Show On WFMU, Jon Wurster also has many actual friends at his creative disposal. Hence, when the New Pornographers asked Tom Scharpling to direct the video for their single "Moves", the two got their heads together and made a fake movie trailer for a very faker movie based on the creation, explosion, psychotic meltdowntion, and re-explosion of the New Pornographers career. The whole thing is really funny, and surprisingly well done for a man who has just one other video under his belt (one that made it onto my best of the year list, at that). Gotta love the early 5 second cameo from Paul Rudd and Bill Hader, too.


I can't believe it took me this long, but I finally got a hold of the Fleet Foxes album this week, and I've listened the mandolin out of it. It's absolutely fantastic. The harmonies are some of the best since the Beach Boys. New album comes out sometime this year, and it's one of my most anticipated now.

This whole reddit thing is getting me into bands I know I should have heard but hadn't. This week, that example is the Kinks. This british rock band is what is so amazing about the Rolling Stones, ELO, and especially The Beatles in one little package. Well, it's not that little. They have some 70,000,000 million albums. I hope all of them are as good as Arthur.


Beady Eye [Oasis' Liam Gallagher, Gem Archer, and Andy Bell] - Different Gear, Still Speeding

DeVotchka - 100 Lovers

Dropkick Murphys - Going Out In Style

Alexander [Formerly Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros] - Alexander

Lykke Li - Wounded Rhymes

Rural Alberta Advantage - Departure

Lucinda Williams - Blessed


Im leaving you with my official Reddit playlist this week. It's kind of a grab-bag of the best music ever.

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