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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Radio is Dead

I don't have a review for the week yet. I'm sorry. I know what I'm going to write on, but it's been a long night. I'll try to get one in this weekend.

However, It's a lovely night for ranting, so pardon me while i let some thoughts spill out.

Radio is dead. The music that plays from the damned airwaves is stale sexual brain-wash. There is no thought behind the music; as if it is produced in a factory with the package, but with no soul behind. Music is supposed to be an expression of emotion. It is a living thing, filled with love, anger, and sadness. Even apathy is conveyed through true sounds. Popular music has lost the art. It's now a process; a meaningless blare, another brick in the wall. I laughed at myself on that one, trust me. The music is just dead to me. You can tell that a true artist is loves what they are doing simply by their work, and hardly anyone on Star 102.1 or Electric 94.9 love their music.

Secondly, the message that is coming out of todays music is horrible. hhoorriibbllee. Pop music is an envelope around a message that is "Live life in whatever ways please you, and you alone. Don't mind common decency or morals, because they only get in the way of your personal gain." Sex is thrown in teenagers faces more blatantly than ever before. In the 50's through the 80's, much of the music really getting listened to did not venture deeply into sex at all. The 80's and 90's began to slip innuendos into their music, but still, the subject was distant. The 00's began to really seep into the promiscuity of rap. Rappers themselves were already speaking some truly horrible verses, but women were still mostly offended. Groups like TLC, Destiny's Child, and Salt & Pepa even began to make music discrediting the image their hip-hop counterparts were establishing. Now, sadly, the popular music has all given into moral hell. The females on the radio like Lady GaGa, Kesha, and Niki Minaj are audio sluts who sell out their body image and sex appeal for ratings and chart toppers. I honestly don't know where music is going from here. "Blah Blah Blah" seems like a dead end for morals in music. There is nothing artistic in these songs, but they are still convincing kids into thinking that the songs are right. Teenagers look to these songs to lead their lives. I recently looked into the myspace and face-book profiles of some of the freshman in my school, and every other post is some lyric in rap that talks about the importance of self improvement, hopefully at the expense of others. It scares me. My eighth grade sister has friends her age who are fathers. 13 to 14 year olds who are getting trapped into situations they know nothing at all about. I blame pop music for most of the bad seeds in todays society. Yes, I know that movies and television are equally terrible, but music is the most accessible media outlet. It's everywhere in culture, and it is turning into the downfall of morality.

Thirdly, I passed a CVS Pharmacy sign tonight, but the p was blown out so it read CVS harmacy. I chuckled.


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