The Royal Bangs have really tapped into the 80 synthesizers revival that has played a huge part in the music scene of 2009. There was a distinct visual of a computer with its cords violently ripped from their sockets while electricity and bare wire ran rampant across a room that stuck in my mind while listening to the elaborate synchronized wailing. The Prog/World Music hybrid "My Car Is Haunted", with it's exotic collection of percussion diddles and off-beat rhythms, says, "In the world of lasers, we lost our s***", perfectly defining The Royal Bangs high adrenaline music. The have an obvious tone of very catchy guitar licks, slightly distorted for a great mix of crisp clean grunge. "1993" is a grand showcase of the band's guitar skills that rambunctiously sprint through most of their songs. Bleeps and bloops of heavy synthesizer pop around every song the band performs. Lead singer Ryan Schaefer's vocals act as another instrument, as his lyrics are often times un-distinguishable due to heavy distortion, yet his voice adds interesting depth to the songs. However, the neatest thing about the Royal Bang's is their consistent placement of incredibly distorted bass, violently thumping along like a heart, that reminds the soaring guitars that they are still planted in heavy garage jam music. The phenomenal mix can be confusing in places, but 90% of the music is a wonderful listen. Plus, have you seen their album cover? It might be the coolest album art of all time. Anyone who is a fan of Muse, Passion Pit, Crystal Castles, Radiohead, Daft Punk, or MGMT will have a blast with Let It Beep.